for employers

Recruiting Tritons Through Handshake

  • Post job and internship opportunities
  • Register for upcoming job fairs and events
  • Download and view applicant resumes and profiles
  • Schedule and host on-campus recruitment and info-sessions
  • Schedule on-campus or virtual interviews
  • Access a robust filtering system to make recruiting easier
  • An easy-to-use mobile experience
Why are 10 million students on Handshake?

Handshake How-To’s:

Take a look at the articles below to learn some of the basics of Handshake.

Employer Account Review and Approval

In order for your Handshake account to be approved, please make sure that you:

  • Complete all required sections.
  • Provide as much relevant information possible to better help students research and learn about your company.
  • Provide a professional and consistent company email (ie. no personal Gmail or out of date email accounts).
  • Create a profile that represents a recognized business. Personal requests or postings will be rejected.

Need Help?

Contact Form

For any general inquiries.

Reason for Contact(Required)
Please provide a brief description for your reason of contact.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.